Hello there!
I'm joining Doodlebugs for her
Five For Friday linky party. I am also excited to share with you a REALLY fun party idea that I just did this past Friday.
We recently got a ping pong table and it has been SO fun! My kids love it and are actually pretty good at it. My mom came over the other day and my boys wanted to play her. My mom is 65 yrs old BUT she was on her school ping pong team in Taiwan <----this means not only is she good because she's Chinese (haha!) but she's good because she was the best on her team. All I gotta say is that at 65, she's still got the moves!
SO SORRY for this blurry picture but it was an action shot and I just had to add it. My mama did a backhanded shot with great form! Can you see the little white ping pong ball flying over the net? Yeah... she's pretty awesome! |
It was conference week this week. Although doing report cards can be a pain, I actually enjoy conference week and meeting the parents of my students on a more personal level. SO many times, I can see why my students are a certain way. C'mon teachers... you know what I'm talking about! The apple does not fall far from the tree. 'Nuff said! LOL!
Since Monday was a holiday and Wednesday was a student release day because of parent conferences AND I only work M-W (job share), I only had a 1 day week with my students!!! YAY!!!! :) I LOVE those short weeks!
This week I got the BEST.. I mean THEEEE BEST compliment EVAH! I've been creating my
Common Core Aligned Houghton Mifflin Units. I've had some really great responses from it so far.....but then at the beginning of last week I get this wonderful email! It seriously MADE.MY.YEAR!
If you use Houghton Mifflin, this is a PERFECT resource for you! I would love for you to stop by my store and download the previews. It's over 250 pages of resources! Click on the pics below.
I am currently working on Theme 4 and it should be out in a couple of short weeks. :)
OK, I am SO excited to share with you a TOTALLY FUN party that I threw on Friday. It is called My Favorite Things party named after Oprah's Favorite Things episode. I know that people do it differently, but I did it the way I had heard about it from a friend. I decided to go with a color scheme... red with white polka dots with accents of black.
Everyone was to find their favorite thing and buy 5 of that SAME favorite thing (valued at $7 each). We had 8 girls and it was perfect! Everyone goes home with 5 new gifts...no matter how many girls attend.
They wrote their names on 5 different pieces of paper and put them in a jar.
OK. Don't judge. This sign was last minute and so I had to hand write it. UGH! I almost didn't post it because I don't like my writing.
Since it was cold and gloomy and we were having a yummy crock pot soup that night, I had all the ladies wear their jammies and I gave out some of my favorite things as they came in to eat... a soup bowl with comfy cozy socks.
Again, sorry for the blurry pic. :/ |
Instead of writing their names on their cups, I had different color ribbons tied to the base of each cup. So my friends just had to remember what kind of ribbon they had. I saw it on Pinterest and thought that was much cuter.
Another one of my favorite things are banners! I love this chalkboard banner and sign freebie that you can grab here. It's from Schoolgirl Style. I made one for each of my friends and put them in a brown paper packages tied up with strings, because these are a few of my favorite things. :)
Sorry this picture is yellowy. I think the yellow walls were making some of my pictures turn out weird.
This was their favor bags with the banner and little sign inside. |
Here are some more pictures of the night! It was SO fun!
This was the sign on the food table. |
I told my friends that when they got their name picked for an item, that they had to go Oprah crazy!!! LOVE it!!! HaHa!! They were such great sports. |
Everybody had to go up and "talk up" their favorite item. |
I asked my friends to bring their favorite coffee mug. |
Everyone put on the cozy socks I gave them. It went perfect with their jammies!
We also had some fun taking some silly pictures! We found an iphone app that was a self timer for the camera. It was dangerous! I think that we could have done this all night! LOL.
That's us...regular. |
"We just won our favorite thing!" face |
"Something is stinky" face |
"I'm confused" face.
Oh Friends... and then there were many more pics that were just embarrassing. It was such a FUN night!!! A definite annual tradition!!
Thanks for reading!